Should My Company Hire An Onsite Wellness Staff?

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Onsite Wellness Staffing

HealthSource Solutions has learned first-hand how integral Onsite Wellness Staff are in developing a strategy and maintaining a strong infrastructure that drives engagement. They become a catalyst for department collaboration, a lead for communications, and the trusted person employees come to with questions or concerns.

An onsite wellness staff is one of the most impactful strategies to add depth, breadth, and engagement to your wellness program. The onsite staff becomes the face of the program, feet on the ground, and program implementer. They make the program come alive! They are an inviting face that works to build relationships and gain employee trust. A crucial step in driving employee engagement.

Why Hire a Third Party?

Expertise. Collegial support. Shared ideas and resources.

Wellness is a journey, not a one-and-done. This motto applies to both the individual and the company.

Hiring a vendor that specializes in onsite wellness staffing provides you with expertise and know-how to build and execute a sustainable best practice program. Having instant access to a network of colleagues who help with problem solving, new ideas and latest industry trends, provides real time access to keep your program fresh, relevant and customizable to your unique needs and culture. The internal network provides staff the ability to refuel their tank, grow professionally, and maintain their passion.

The expertise of a wellness company should be about enriching employee wellbeing.

What Are Their Roles and Responsibilities?

Onsite wellness staff can play a variety of roles depending on the company’s goals and focus. This ranges from strategy development, managing communications, “walking” the floor, meeting with managers, managing your wellness portal or fitness room, leading group fitness classes, to collaboration with safety and other departments vested in employee health.

An Onsite Wellness Staff Can:

  • Managing or support the Wellness Program.
    • Develop a 3-year strategy with KPI’s that guides the annual plan and implementation calendar.
    • Create a communication strategy and calendar.
    • Gain support by educating and collaborating with middle management and supervisors.
    • Maximize current resources by collaborating with vendors to raise visibility and offerings.
    • Cultivate interdepartmental collaboration – maximize corporate initiatives.
    • Foster a culture of health by identifying strategies to reach different employee populations.
    • Support ongoing programming through communication, implementation, and evaluation.
    • Coordinate company events such as blood drives, classes, cooking demos, flu shots, etc.
    • Provide ongoing employee support. Help employees navigate resources and benefits, answer questions about the wellness program, provide employees one-on-one support.
    • Execute evaluation and data collection. Collect, compile and present reports, and provide suggestions on program course corrections.
  • Manage the corporate fitness center.
  • Lead group fitness classes.
  • Provide health coaching.
  • Manage the wellness portal.

The Impact of an Onsite Wellness Staff

By HealthSource Solutions | January 1, 2024
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Having an Onsite Wellness Staff can help develop and maintain a strong wellness program infrastructure, foster collaboration and integration, improve engagement, and provide employees a resource that is approachable, trusting, and easy to work with.

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