Overcoming Emotional Eating
Emotional eating is using food to make you feel better—eating to satisfy emotional needs rather than physical hunger. You might reach for a pint of ice cream, order pizza when you are lonely, or swing by the drive-through after a stressful day.
When you feel stressed, down, or bored, try the following tips to avoid emotional eating:
Phone a friend. When you feel overwhelmed or stressed, try calling or texting a friend before you dig into your favorite snack. Being able to talk to someone you care about can help you sort out your emotions before the emotional eating happens.
The waiting game. When craving a snack, try waiting 10 to 15 minutes. Listen to your hunger cues; after the time is up, reevaluate whether you’re still hungry or the craving is gone.
Quality over quantity. Don’t cut your favorite snacks altogether. This deprivation may lead to binge eating, making you feel guilty or more stressed. Instead, try cutting the serving size in half.
Mindful eating. From the time it takes you to prepare your food to
Conquering emotional eating may feel overwhelming, but it’s a challenge you can overcome. By understanding your emotions and adopting healthier coping strategies, you can take control and create lasting, positive change. Empower yourself to break free from the cycle and embrace a healthier, more balanced relationship with food.