Wellness Program Management Case Study: Premium Waters Making Great Strides

Published by HealthSource Solutions on

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four men standing in row with race numbers on shirts before company 5k starts

INDUSTRY: Manufacturing

COMPANY: Premium Waters



When Premium Waters began working with HealthSource Solutions in 2016, the organization faced challenges, including low compliance with preventive exams, high medical claims related to chronic conditions, unfavorable employee health indicators, and a lack of understanding and execution to establish an infrastructure to support employee wellness.


We started by building a solid infrastructure from which to grow the program:

  • Engaged senior leadership support through commitment, communication, and connection
  • Established annual program goals and KPIs
  • Developed and implemented an annual communication strategy
  • Established an enterprise-wide Wellbeing Champion network to reach all locations
  • Measured the effectiveness of targeted high-risk initiatives
  • Laid the foundation for a culture of wellbeing


Our Wellness Program Manager has made great strides since 2016! This was achieved through focused planning, goal setting, diligent communication, and accountability—all things HealthSource Solutions helped them achieve.


Actively engaged senior leadership in discussions regarding the wellbeing program, demonstrating support and aligning organizational goals with wellbeing program objectives.

  • Developed a strategic communication plan to ensure the same holistic experience is offered to all, focusing on reaching hard-to-reach employees.
  • Created a Teams page for health coaches to access all important wellbeing information and communication.
  • Intertwined wellness programming into safety meetings and health coaching to engage hard-to-reach employees.
  • Won the GOLD Award from the American Heart Association Workplace Health Achievement Index in 2023. Silver status in 2021 and 2022.
  • Established performance and participation metrics around screenings, preventive exams, and safety initiatives.


  • 77% of employees participated in the 2023 onsite biometric screening
  • 49% increase in onsite screening participation from 2017 to 2023
  • 36.1% reduction in strains and sprains over two years
  • 60% of employees agree that Premium Waters cares about their wellbeing
  • 64% of annual Wellbeing Goals were achieved in 2023

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work team of four people conversing